Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Can't We Get Along?

 I find it super fascinating that we can not easily access these anti war articles online, which I believe the big reason is because the government does not want us to have easy access to all the different wagers they are participating in. They do not want rumors to form or do not want the truth to get all over the internet at a rapid pace, so they use the algorithms of SEO (search engine optimization) to favor their tactics in keeping it out of the hands of American citizens. Or at least, limiting it. I saw this article on antiwar talking about how the government is keeping a Russian billionaire's yacht captive which is bringing them to paying 7 million dollars a year in obtaining it. 

Whether it be smaller issues with other countries, or much bigger ones, The government does not always feel like having every single wager, conversations, or threats at the hands of every web user. I kind of understand their reasoning behind it because people can easily twist things and it might get back to the other countries government which could cause misunderstanding regarding the actual wager at hand, but at the same time I feel like there can be a better way of going about this topic. It makes us feel like the government is hiding things by trying to do their own thing, which is wrong  due to our not only our right, but our duty to critique the government. 

Reagan and Gorbachev had a great relationship and even went on a 1 hour walk alone and talked out personally how they could bring peace between the two countries. Its funny that Biden has not talked to Putin in 3 years, it shows a sign of laziness regarding what is truly needed at this moment in time. 



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