Wednesday, January 31, 2024


Telegraph: Any device or system that allows the transmission of information by coded signal over distance. The Telegraph was created in order to meet a desperate need of a more efficient long distance source of communication. In 1837, the telegraph was the first "device" created to meet that need. Before hand, Instead of using electro magnetic signals, people would use semaphore systems which is communication via flags and lights. The word "signal" was taken into consideration when Micheal Faraday invented electromagnet, and Samual Morse learned how it worked in order to better understand the vision of of using electromagnet to send electromagnetic "signals" to be a much more advanced innovation of the current long distance signal system being used. 

In the 18th century, the Atlantic coast had come to a conclusion that they absolutely needed a better way of long distance communication and posted a $30,000 workable proposal. However, This was not the driving force for Samual Morse to create a better way for long distance communication. Dating back to 1825 before Morse even remotely thought about creating the telegraph, he was an artist that was struggling to make a career out of it. Finally, he received word that he would be commissioned to paint a portrait of Marquis de Lafayette in New York. On his travels, he received a letter from his wife Lucretia explaining how she was proud of him, and how she was excited about having a third child in next day or two to which he wrote back how he missed her. A couple days went by and he did not receive any letters from his wife, but rather a letter from his father saying how Lucretia died from a heart attack during child birth. Morse was devastated and heart broken over the fact that he was unable to utilize a better, more efficient way for long distance communication. 

7 years later when Morse was on a ship back from Europe, He met a man by the name of Charles Thomas Jackson who was well educated in electromagnetism. Jackson explained to Morse they there was conversation regarding sending electrical signals through wires. This is when Morse's deep drive to come up with a better way of long distance communication become more real. In 1832, Samual Morse transitioned from painter, to inventor. It was not until 1840 that Morse sent a patent for "improvement in the mode of communicating information by signals by the application of electro-magnetism" which was granted by the United States patent office. The communication through dots and dashes as we all know now is Morse Code. 

Samual Morse did not allow a tragedy to stop him from creating one of the most innovative inventions of all time. The telegraph started a snowball effect through the electromagnet signals to later on create the radio and then the television. The Telegraph is a bedrock in technological innovation that has lead all the way to you reading this blog. The seed planted through a negative experience for Samual Morse has created a lifetime positive affect on technological innovation.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

8 values of free expression

 The freedom of speech, which as we know is one of the principles found in the First Amendment, has 8 core values of free expression. The marketplace of ideas, participation of self government, stable change, individual fulfillment, Check on government power, promote tolerance, promote innovation, and protect dissent. The marketplace of ideas is this observation that John Milton had considering if the truth and lies where to be freely grappled (engaged in a close fight), than the truth would always win. This is super interesting to me because we know that Gods principles that can be found in the bible are the truth. Milton is saying that the truth will always defeat the lies that might be formed by the world. 

The participation of self government explains how we the people of the U.S. would not be informed well enough to vote to their full knowledge of what they believe in if they are not properly informed. basically, it provides a properly informed electorate involved in a debate. Alexander Meiklejohn explains how free speech and its relation to self government is absolutely vital. Stable change is the practice of allowing citizens to speak on whats on their mind in order to keep them a more peaceful body of Americans. This allows people to not store things up and out of an impulsive decision act in a manner of violence. This goes hand in hand with our first amendment right for the people to peaceably assemble.

The ability to possess individual self-fulfillment is the action in which we are able to have our own identities where we can live by specific principles that make us who we are. The ability to live free spirited and make our own decisions in correlation to what is best for us as individuals. Moving on to the 5th value of free expression, the ability to check on government power. It is not our right, but our duty as U.S. citizens to, along with the press, be apart of the checks-and-balance system to keep the government from becoming too powerful. We do not want any form of dictatorship, that is why this is a free country. 

Promoting tolerance goes hand in hand with how the first amendment now protects hate speech because we as a nation have the ability to grow through painful situations especially regarding the relationships around us. Promoting tolerance regarding hate speech helps us become more tolerant in other aspects of life, which means at the end of the day we are growing as a nation because of it. The 7th value of expression is the promotion of innovation. This value envisions the idea that if we are a nation that practices the freedom of speech, then we will be more likely to be free'd up in the mind enough to come up with new ideas and receive more energy and self motivation to be innovative.

 Protect dissent is the last value of expression which explains how we have not the right, but the duty to criticize and disagree with the government. This shows that the government wants all citizens to experience freedom unlike any other nation, and actually encourages us to do quite the opposite of other countries that possess a dictating government. 

I believe that the 8 values of free expression is very important because it goes in to more depth of what our first amendment hits on especially regarding the freedom of speech. I believe all 8 are very important, but I believe that the first one which is the marketplace of ideas is the most important. People can take advantage of freedom when they start re-identifying what the truth is. The truth will always rise to the top, and although we are a free country, we need to realize that there is an overall truth and an over all lie. At what point do we draw the line?

Monday, January 22, 2024

Blog Post #2

 I enjoyed watching this video that goes in depth about the Supreme Court. I found it quite fascinating that it is the most powerful Judicial branch on the earth. I liked how Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes said "we are quiet, but it is the quiet of a storm center". This job must be taken with serious honor realizing the responsibility that is at hand.  Their power rests on public faith, and I think it is so awesome that they have the responsibility to uphold the rule of law. It is a very big responsibility to be apart of the supreme court. I really like how we learn how there have been over 100 Supreme Court justices, and each one of them is just as human as all of us. They are not a book of laws, they are simply people that have studied and know the laws, they are interpreters. It is so neat to see that at the end of the day, these justices are refereeing to a document that was created over 200 years ago. Our founding fathers created something that has kept this nation the best nation of all time. Sure, we have our issues, but we cannot look past all the good that has come from it. 

It blows my mind how thousands of petitions arrive to the supreme court every year. The supreme court interrupts a 200 year old constitution. They deal with human dilemmas. Each justice sever an average of 16 years, where most of them "sit on the bench" twice that long. As a sports player, I get antsy being on the bench a couple of minutes, I cannot imagine not being in action for nearly 32 years. I would imagine they grow to become extremely patient. These Supreme Court justices are extremely important for our nation and we should never take them for granted.

Blog Post #1

1. Instagram (

I Chose Instagram as my main source for receiving news because its probably the app I mostly use. There are tons of well known and trusted people that are on my feed who talk about whats going on with the world. Most of the people I follow are either basketball players like JJ Redick, or spiritual influencers like Tim Tebow. Tebow is one of those guys I like to watch because he use to play football and he has a good understanding on how to live life to its fullest while keeping God first in his life. I also like keeping up with what HPU has going on whether that be with sports or events going on. I love seeing what President Quebin has to say, and Instagram is usually my go to with that. Being able to see what my family and friends post is also something I really like about instagram, and is the main reason its my favorite social media outlet out there. 

2. Logos ( 

Logos is a bible app where you are able to deep dive into scripture and see up to date commentaries on how it applies with todays culture and society. It also provides key biblical principles where you are able to take in depth notes on what you are learning and how it can be applied in your everyday lives. I love Logos because there is unlimited resources within, you just have to go out and seek it. Some of my favorite bible commentaries are written by Tony Evans, Mathew Henry, and Warren Wiersbe. This app is something I use everyday, and I strongly suggest people downloading it, as it has really helped me apply biblical principles and spiritual disciplines into my everyday life. It also is super cool seeing all the possibilities there are in your own personal walk with Christ. 

3. X ( 

Twitter or what is now Called X is another source of news that I really like going to. X is an app that I use more so for basketball. It has a really unique way of displaying scores of games, newest rankings, hottest teams, and so much more. I am a huge fan of keeping up with North Carolina hoops, and my feed is litterilty all High School, College, and NBA hoops. It sounds like my life is basketball when in reality it isn't, but this apps primary use for me is to inform me on the latest regarding hoops. 

4. CNN ( 

CNN is a source I use for information regarding politics and general news. CNN always would be playing in my grandparents house on television or in the car. Its one of those sources of media that is more in the background of my life, and I honestly do not check it near as much as some of my other sources of media. Fox news is also something that I look at. 

5. ESPN (

ESPN honestly possesses my loyalty to the max when it comes to how long I have been using it. Ever sense I can remember, ESPN has always been entering my mind either through my eyes or ears. I have always been such a fan of watching college or NBA basketball. I also like watching golf with my cousins. ESPN definitely gives me the most nostalgia, especially when March Madness hits. My ESPN app is absolutely slammed with brackets and latest scores regarding the best month of all time. I absolutely love it. I also use the app to rewatch my games with the ESPN+ feature they just recently added.

Relationship with technology

 My relationship with technology is ok, but I wish I took advantage of the opportunities that technology can give. Technology governed by a ...